• support@eroncycle.online

About Eroncycle

Around the world, waste generaon rates are rising. In 2016, the worlds' cies generated 2.01 billion tonnes of solid waste, amounng to a footprint of 0.74 kilograms per person per day. With rapid populaon growth and urbanizaon, annual waste generaon is expected to increase by 70% from 2016 levels to 3.40 billion tonnes in 2050. Compared to those in developed naons, residents in developing countries, especially the urban poor, are more severely impacted by unsustainably managed waste. In low-income countries, over 90% of waste is oen disposed in unregulated dumps or openly burned. These pracces create serious health, safety, and environmental consequences. Poorly managed waste serves as a breeding ground for disease vectors, contributes to global climate change through methane generaon, and can even promote urban violence. Managing waste properly is essenal for building sustainable and livable cies, but it remains a challenge for many developing countries and cies. Effecve waste management is expensive, oen comprising 20%–50% of municipal budgets. Operang this essenal municipal service requires integrated systems that are efficient, sustainable, and r ncycle socially supported.

Eroncycle is structured in a rural environment which waste management is useful and profitable from Sweden to Norway. We collect waste materials from solid, organic and metallic from household, producon companies, shipping companies and recycle to serval profitable products which is then sold to several companies in the country and abroad to help the government and the company investors grow and earn from this weekly. Eroncycle generate profits from the exchange of waste resources. We give 4,000 waste collectors to every state in Sweden to collect waste disposal daily and we take it to our industries where we break them down to several levels of producon such as Plasc, metal, organic which we sell to boling companies and so many other companies.